Pursuant to the Decree, the following sections will be subject to toll among others, in the e-toll system: the section of the M4 speedway between Abony and Törökszentmiklós-West; the section of the M30 motorway between Miskolc-North and Tornyosnémeti, the section of the M44 speedway between Lakitelek and Tiszakürt, the section of the M76 speedway between Balatonszentgyörgy and Keszthely-Fenékpuszta, the section of the M80 speedway between Körmend and Szentgotthárd-Rábafüzes, the section of the M85 speedway between Sopron-East and Sopron-North. The amendment of the Decree affects several main road sections in terms of toll payment obligation.
For detailed information on toll roads and road sections, please study Decree 25/2013 (V. 31.) NFM of the Minister of National Development, as amended and effective as of 1 January 2022.